Sunday, March 13, 2011

Put on Facebook on 03-10-2011

I sit here at the computer going through the mail, reading about NPR and their mistakes. Commenting on other posts about how some people make choices in their lives and that they are having to live with those choices, and their consequences.

As I'm going through my email, I get this one from the preacher/teacher/friend at the Oakey Boulevard Church of Christ in Las Vegas. Talking about a football team in Grapevine Texas. Now if anyone knows how big football and basketball is in Texas and in New Mexico, then you know how hard it would be for anyone from the home team to root for the visiting team. But anyone who reads this note, I would ask you to give up 5-6 minutes and watch thise video.

Then, after watching this video, I started thinking about Mr. Ronald Schiller and his comments about Middle America, how we are just gun toting, and in my words but his thoughts, just plain dumb. Well Mr. Schiller, I'm a Christian, I own a gun or two, I don't tote them around, but will protect my family to the best of my ability against the likes of you, and those like you who want to take my way of life away from me. YES MR. OBAMMA I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU AND YOUR U.N. LOVING CREW LEAD BY HILIARY. Now back to my thought, I don't see Mr. Schiller doing what this football coach and his team and the parents, cheerleaders and students did, that is treat a fellow human being LIKE a human being.

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