Monday, October 5, 2009

Short but sweet.

Well the camp was set up, and as usual we were running right on time, about 3 hours late. We also were running ahead of schedule as we got our camp set up before 10PM.

This is my tent. It is packaged as sleeping 6-8. If you are using cots 2. If you can see, we were sleeping on a slope. Not to bad, but it was interesting to continue sliding about 4 inches down hill.

The green tent in the middle is Todd's. He had a bigger cot than I did. It was fun watching him trying to set it up in the tent- that didn't happen. He ended up setting it up half in half out. It barely fit in the tent.

This is Donovans tent. Interesting story about his tent. It involves odor eaters and a bunch of foot prints on the top of his tent.

This is the small wood pile we had planned on burning. About an hour after we got some wood stacked up the local "ranger" came up and informed us of the up and coming winds. 40-70 MPH winds. We got some decent tents, but I don't think they were staked well enough for those high winds. The proof of that statement is in the picture that follows.

Yes, Donovan's tent went for a flight, not far just about 5 feet. As he was trying to catch his tent, his hat went flying, to bad I didn't get a pic of that.

I wish I had found this stump earlier, it would have been our fire wood for the entire stay. Well it would have been if we could have trimmed it enought to fit into the fire pit.

Overall it was a good trip, we had to cut it short. We broke camp about 1:30PM, and headed down the mountain and back into the (shudder) city. The campsites won't be open again for about 7-8 months. I think it will be May before I head up again. It's going to be a long cold season until camp can be set up again. This time I'm going up early to find some level ground.


  1. It looks like you guys had a great time!

  2. Nice. we will have to do that together and take the puppies.
