I received an email today with a link, well knowing the person as an outstanding friend, I had no problem watching the video. THEN THE BLOOD PRESSURE WENT UP! Yes here I go again on my soap box, but instead of rambling on for hours and hours, I'm just going to post the links to the video, and to some of the news articles. And I'm going to try something different today, I'm going to try and insert a pdf file.
The video talks about Obama, Clinton (her not him), and General Petraeus, or how some people call him and sadly I now agree as Gen Betrayus. It talks about Bibles and Qurans, the first amendment, GITMO (SP) and the military.
Now I have nothing against the military, in fact I am a supporter of our military. Soldiers follow orders from the top down, but if the order is wrong they shouldn't follow said orders, but that is a different discussion.
Here are the links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErzxOz3Dzv8&feature=feedlik (video)
http://www.defense.gov/news/Jun2005/d20050601KoranSOP.pdf (link for pdf)
Now something else that is said in the video.
http://defendchristians.org/news/dearborn-christians-acquitted/ (this website may want you to put in your email address for update, just click the x to get to the story.)
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