The start of September, while some people in a town in the west are still sweating from the 100+ degree heat, we here in New Mexico are sitting at 73 degrees. There was a cold front that passed through Thursday night; there was some cool air, but mostly a good steady breeze. Come Friday morning, there was something different in the air. It was crisp, cool and clean. This should be the start to a trend of cooling, not real drastic, but nice and easy. I remember the days when I was growing up here, well sorta. It would get cooler each day. By the end of October, it might rain, or it might just be blasted cold with wind. Not just a "comfy" 10-15 mph, I remember seeing trees bending over, and if the branches had dried enough, they would snap and end up on the grass, which by the way was brown and crispy. The only green was left to the evergreens that some people had planted.
When I was in my first semester of high school, sometimes I rode a small Honda moped, when it was too cold for that I would drive my truck (which I hope to have back on the road this next week). I think it was October, when I started working for a pizza joint across from the high school, called "Steve's Pizza". They had a meatball sub that could knock your socks off. They actually had been making personal pan pizzas, before the food in the hut place. I never found out why they closed, but I know it was a sad day when they did.
It feels good to be back in an area that is small in population, decent in politeness, and where there are homes that have real back yards. Ok, the house we are in may not be grandiose, and we may not have a yard big enough for a garden, swimming pool and three large dogs. But the zucchini plants we have, they have given up some of the best tasting zucks I have ever had.
So glad you guys are enjoying your time there.