I consider myself patriotic. My wife and her (my) family patriotic, her father and his brothers all served. Her Grandfather, was a veteran during. Then I was told, yes by my wife, about a yahoo article that calls the Alamo a tourist trap. This was written by Andrew Harper, who we thought was a real person, but to find out just a bunch of rich snobs who can't stand patriotism. If you want to read the snippet, here is the link:
Well wanted to send them a little email note, but could not find one to their home offices IN AUSTIN TEXAS! So I instead will be sending them a snail mail note. What did I write? Well I'll put that here also.
To: Andrew Harper Corporate Offices
From: Curtis Anthony
RE: Tourist Traps
To Whom It May Concern:
I was shocked and dumbfounded by an article I saw on the yahoo website on Saturday, August 15, 2009, (link to follow). It was an article dealing with Tourist Traps. To see that you included The Alamo as a tourist trap, is well, UN-AMERICAN! The site of this massacre is proof to the courage of the American people, and to the lives of those who gave their life for the State of Texas, let alone The United States. And to think that your offices are located in Texas! The gall you have to spread this shame that is called travel information all over the internet. If you are going to continue this, why don't you just consider the Vatican some site just to sell some "rinky dink" church bobble head toys? Or better yet, just comment on how the Golden Gate Bridge is just a rusting pile of steel that should be allowed to fall into the ocean, don't forget Gettysburg, and spit on all of the graves of those who gave their life for this country, YES AND TEXAS! How about this, the Grand Canyon, don't go there, it's just a hole in the ground, do I even dare bring up the site of the World Trade Center, and the Pennsylvania field where one plane crashed, when the passengers took over to keep terrorists from killing any more innocent lives? Or do you think terrorist training camps should be on any travel itinerary for anyone going on an overseas vacation? If this is how you "feel" about Hallowed ground, then you are no more important than dirt under a pile of manure. But then that's how I feel, and guess what, I'm sure there are thousands of other people that feel the same way. Do us all a favor; KEEP YOUR UN-AMERICAN AND UN-TEXAN ATTITUDES TO YOURSELF AND OFF THE INTERNET, OUT OF BOOKS/MAGAZINES, AND OFF THE AIRWAVES, TV AND RADIO!
Curtis Anthony
As you can tell, I'm not exactly happy with these people.
I love you!